Student Council 2024 – 2025
The entire student council met in the Sixth Form Centre to discuss the topics for our meeting with Mr O'Hagan for the following week. In this first meeting, representatives from each tutor group discussed their thoughts on the Trackit Light system and how it has improved lessons and behaviour across the School. We were also very happy to report on some other areas that we have had a huge influence on changing; these were the toilets and more sports enrichment activities in the school gym. We also discussed ideas about what should be the next main focus of the student council for this school year.
During the meeting with the main reps from each year group, students reported that they thought the Trackit Light system was overall a successful idea, as they mentioned that it helps the flow of the lesson and helps to remind students about the expectations of the teacher.
The next area to be reviewed is the behaviour amongst students outside the classroom, as one student mentioned that the new system in place could have caused shifts in behaviour outside of lessons.
We are confident that, as always in our meetings with the Headteacher and the Deputy Headteacher, that we will be listened to and that our ideas where possible will be used to make the school community better for us all.
Katharine Massey-Jones [9P]