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Our curriculum intent is to have an ambitious and inclusive curriculum, that empowers our students to become life-long learners and successful global citizens. 

In A Level Graphic Communication, students learn to explore a given theme through a programme of research, analysis and creative responses. They will master traditional and contemporary Graphic Communication techniques in order to understand the importance of visual literacy and how to convey message and meaning across multiple platforms. Through a well-sequenced curriculum, we intend to embed knowledge and skills that challenge all learners.

Students are taught subject specialist and disciplinary language in an explicit and direct manner. A broad range of terminology specific to processes, techniques, tools, equipment and analytical processes is used. 

The creative subjects exemplify and celebrate diversity. Our Enriched and Society- centred Curriculum contains reference to numerous artists and designers from traditionally under-represented groups and societies, especially contemporary practitioners who respond to current and relatable issues. 

Students are encouraged to take a personal stance on a diverse range of issues such as race, feminism, sexuality, gender, politics, divorce, conflict, current affairs, environmental concerns, cultural identity and British Asian Diaspora. Student’s own societal contexts are explored and this provides a rich cultural heritage to draw upon. As well as being an important part of Art and Design criteria, this develops Student’s confidence in articulating their own ‘voice’ and finding personal creative expression. At Exhibition time, every Student will proudly articulate the deeply personal and contextual meanings behind their artwork. Core British and Hestonian Values are addressed, alongside the individual values of the whole school community and its diverse cultural heritage.

To raise aspirations and allow our students to make informed decisions about their future, we provide subject specific careers education. Students are able to focus on their favoured discipline, such as Graphic Design, Architecture, Photography and Fashion Design, if they aim to study these further after A Levels. They are supported to tailor their Portfolios to match their career aims. Our students have been accepted into highly competitive, premier Art Schools such as University of the Arts London (UAL).

Our Curriculum Maps outline our curriculum design and the development of knowledge and skills in Years 12 and 13. The curriculum is adapted to support and challenge students with different starting points, whilst remaining ambitious for all. Students are examined on the Edexcel Specification in A Level Graphics Communication. 


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