Emergencies & School Closure
The School will make every effort to remain open whenever possible, as we are mindful of our obligations to our students and their parents/carers. However, it may be necessary, in exceptional circumstances, to close the School. Such eventualities might be:
- Very poor weather conditions
- No heating/electricity/water supply
- Medical epidemic
There may also be other incidents, which the Headteacher considers would endanger the Health and Safety of staff and students. The decision to close the School either before or during the School Day will be made by the Headteacher.
If the School is forced to close, parents/carers will be contacted via text message and a notification placed on the Home Page of the School Website by 07:30. In the event of being forced to close without having given warning, the Local Authority will be notified.
The School is dependent on the road networks being safe for travel and public transport being safe. The Headteacher will be mindful of these factors in any decision regarding whether the School should close early or be unable to open. Students and staff are encouraged to check the website before leaving home to make sure that no unnecessary travelling is incurred.
Every effort will be made to keep parents/carers informed of any situation. Parents/carers are expected to check the School Website when it is clear that closure may be a possibility. Please avoid telephoning the School, as this may block the switchboard in an emergency.
Where possible, the School will endeavour to maintain staff on site, should any student turn up for the day or be unable to get home in the event of an unforeseen closure.